Manual: api

class funclibrary extends object
not documented
+init(api : object, func : object)
api not documented
func not documented
returns not documented
not documented
library(path : str, func = null, dependencies = null, decorator = null)
returns not documented
Opens a library directly with the .json headers.

Searches for .json -notated C headers at $(LEVER_PATH)/headers/{name}

If those are found, it invokes FFI to open a shared library that corresponds to the headers. Or uses the function you supplied to it to retrieve C-FFI handles to annotate.

The resulting object overloads +getattr, so you can treat your newly instantiated C-bindings as a module.

open(path : str, func = null, dependencies = null, decorator = null)
returns not documented
not documented
open_nobind(path : path, dependencies = null, decorator = null)
path not documented
dependencies not documented
decorator not documented
returns not documented
not documented
read_file(path : path, dependencies = null, decorator = null)
path not documented
dependencies not documented
decorator not documented
returns not documented
not documented
read_object(apispec : object, dependencies = null, decorator = null)
apispec not documented
dependencies not documented
decorator not documented
returns not documented
not documented
so_ext = "so"
not documented